Luvk9s Dog Training


​​                                          SEPT 2018


Classes will be held indoors at Red Barn Kennels at 798 Hubbard Road down the street from the Big Canoe North Gate.


No refunds after first group class session.  Minimum class size is 3.  Class runs one hour unless otherwise noted.  Cost of group classes:  $135

To reserve your spot,  ​mail your registration form/check (made out to Doris Dressler) to: 

Doris Dressler, 3972 Fox Glen Drive, Woodstock GA 30189

Click here for registration form:  REGISTRATION FORM      
Click here for instructions for first day of class:  FIRST DAY OF CLASS NOTES  

Click here for directions to:   BALLGROUND HOUNDS

THURSDAYS, 10 AM, five sessions, starting  Sept. 6

The BASIC OBEDIENCE LEVEL I class is geared for owners and dogs who have not yet received any training, are interested in a basic obedience review, or are just interested in learning positive training methods.  For puppies and dogs 6 months and up.
Skills we will begin working on include sit, down, stay, get it/give, come, watch me, leave it, and well-mannered loose leash walking.

***  AGILITY LITE I  ***

THURSDAYS, 2:15  PM, five sessions, starting  Sept. 6

Introduce your dog to the sport of agility!  In this five-week-long "just for fun" class, your dog will learn to navigate weave poles and tunnels, stroll on the dog walk and execute agility and tire jumps.   



***  AGILITY LITE II   ***

THURSDAYS, 4 PM, five sessions, starting Sept. 6

Continue refining your skills on the weave poles and regular tunnel; we'll introduce the teeter and collapsed tunnel in this class. We'll continue working the dog walk and will add wing and long jumps in addition to the bar and tire jumps. 


  ***  COMBO CLASS  ***

THURSDAYS, 12:30 PM, five sessions, starting Sept. 6

Interested in trying out several different activities with your dog?   Then this is the class for you! 


We will be doing some scent work  (nose works light) which builds on and develops your dog's natural ability to smell and search.  Our dogs will learn several new tricks; this is a great way to teach your dog how to learn new cues in a fun manner.  We'll introduce our dogs to games that will make learning impulse control and coming when called fun.   We'll also have the opportunity to see how agile our dogs are by introducing them to the sport of agility - and perhaps throw in a game of HOOPERS.




***  Upcoming classes   ***

Luvk9s also offers:


- CGC, Canine Good Citizenship

- CGCA Community Canine

- Sniff N' Seek (Noseworks "lite")

- Tricks classes


Contact us for more information!

Basic obedience class

Courtesy of Frank Gibson Photography

Luvk9s students take a break after a vigorous sniff n' seek session.

Rigby, Agility I

on Aframe

            Cooper, Agility II

   runs through the tunnel